Fashion Design School Degrees: Earning a 2-Year Associates Degree

Fashion design schools typically offer varied degrees and specialty programs for the students enrolled at their schools, so it may be a tough decision to choose which degree program is right for students who haven’t yet completed this process. An associate degree from an accredited fashion design school can open a lot of doors for new designers who are just leaving college. Employers in the fashion design industry, regardless of the specific discipline, often look for designers who have a minimum two- or four-year degree to fill open positions at their companies.

Fashion design is a competitive industry, so the more education you have, the better the chances are of landing a great starting job. It takes time to work your way through the ranks, but a good foundation and the right degree and degree program can make a big difference in how long it takes to get there. Fashion designers, at minimum, have to be as knowledgeable about trends, fabrics, textiles, and accessories as the next applicant. To really stand above the rest, however, takes dedication and hard work through a recognizable fashion design college.

Choosing which college at which to earn your 2-year degree is the easier part of the equation, however. Choosing the right associate degree program means exploring all of the possible classes you can take while completing the program. Associate degree classes often include all elements of design, so fashion design schools usually offer a wide variety of courses to fit any student’s interests after college.

Starting out at fashion design school for this level of degree will most likely include studies in the basic principles of design, including draperies, pattern design, sewing, art, drawing, and at least a college level math or English course as required by the state. All of these skills will be critical to the success of the student throughout the remaining time they spend at the fashion design school, so a lot of emphasis is put into the foundation knowledge during the first couple of semesters.

As the program advances, so do the skills and difficulties of the work performed in fashion design school. In preparation for a culmination event, usually a fashion show, to showcase the almost-designers handicraft, students generally spend their time focused on the details of their craft. This includes advanced techniques, apparel and product line launch and management, modeling techniques, portfolio creation, and how to go about creating a line or collection of clothing. Event planning and execution are often incorporated into the end-of-the-degree program showcase, where students learn all about taking their fashion designs from the school’s classroom to the public. Here, degree program students learn about presentation, marketing, and trend-setting for their first real-world job in the industry.