Going to School to be a Freelance Fashion Designer

At one time or another, most people think to themselves that they wish they could fire their boss. Whether its discrepancy over vacation time or just difficult to work under the constant supervision pressure, there is an opportunity in the world of fashion design to be your own boss without opening up a shop with expensive overhead. Although there is still a boss to answer to (the client) some fashion design school graduates have in mind a different sort of career. One in which they call the shots when it comes to owning their own design process.

So, how feasible is it for a fashion school graduate to work as a freelancer in the industry? Here are what the experts have to say about it.

Zoe, a guest blogger at Fashion Incubator, wrote this article in response to some of the questions she had been asked about her time as a freelance fashion designer. In that article she says that freelance fashion designers need to pause to think about their capabilities when it comes to success in the industry. (Don’t over promise and don’t over sell yourself.)

She says, “I know it can sound stupidly obvious, but I’d like to point out that you should never market yourself and promise anyone that you can offer services you’re not ready for. If they want a full package, you have to ask yourself “Do I know how to draft patterns? Make a sample? Do I know people who will do one for me? Do I even want to do that?” (Read the rest: Working as a freelance fashion designer)

Zoe brings up important information about things they will teach you in fashion design school. Things like how to run a business, estimate the cost of projects, and prepare to meet deadlines by working long hours.  And, as the experts at Design-Training.com point out, there are few opportunities for those without a degree from an accredited fashion design school:

When you are first starting out, you will find that some potential clients won’t consider working with you if you don’t have a degree. Time spent in school learning all you can is well invested, because to some extent, a degree counts as work experience. Along with an education, you will also need an impressive portfolio. When you are competing with other fashion designers, an outstanding portfolio is often the deciding factor. Put together a collection of your best work, and constantly strive to better your best.

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, about a quarter of all fashion designers are self-employed. To be able to succeed on a freelance basis, you need to be a risk taker. There is an aspect of uncertainty when you choose to work on a freelance basis, as your income may fluctuate. You could work by the contract or by the job, and as you do each job, you may not know for sure where your next job is coming from. You may design pieces for small stores or for individual clients. (Read more here.)