Top Market for Future Fashion Designers

If you are thinking about going to a fashion design school, you probably have a good idea about what kind of career you want to pursue. There are plenty of opportunities out there for those who want to work and study hard to earn a prestigious position within the fashion industry. Your marketability in the future will depend on many factors, but trends are an important component of your future career.

In order to ‘make it’ in the fashion industry, you will need to first focus your attention on the specific details of that career while in college. Not only will this better prepare you for a future in the career field of your choice, but it will give you plenty of time to change your mind. A fashion job might sound great in theory, but in practice there could be details you just do not like about a specific aspect of the profession.

In order to succeed in fashion, you will want to heavily research the markets to figure out where your passion and the trends of the times meet. So, here we listen in to experts discussing one of the top markets for future fashion designers. Most fashion design students are well aware of this information, but if you are trying to make a decision about college – you need to know what’s in and what’s out.

What’s In: Digital Style and Marketing

In an interview with Heidi Slimane, editor Dirk Standen posed the question about the future of fashion design. For students, the response may be prophecy:

Standen asks, “How do you think technology—tweeting, blogging, social media, etc.—has affected fashion? For better or worse?”
Slimane replies, “It has affected different aspects of fashion tremendously. From commentary to fashion design, communication, and distribution.

The fashion Internet community is like a global digital agora tweeting passions and opinions. Anyone knows better, and each one is a self-made critic.

This is a fascinating idea, as I always favored amateurism (”the one that loves”) over professionalism, attraction over experience. It obliges anyone in the industry to think in a fresher way.

Of course, it is hard to say if any “authority,” someone like Suzy Menkes, might one day come out and use digital means to lead with integrity, enough background, outside of any conflict of interest.

On a design perspective, it has allowed any young designer or indie brand to get an instant audience, if used with wit and invention.

I am not quite sure of the future of retail as we know it. This is a truly important thing, maybe the most important one, as it might already mean there is nothing standing between the design and an audience/consumer.

Finally, the better and the worse have always been part of fashion, with the Internet only magnifying it and creating a joyful and noisy digital chaos.

The bottom line is that any note can create music. It is only a matter of taste.”

You can read more of this interview and connect to the three part report over at Click here to read this interview.